About Us

Hi there, I'm Parley Dockstader. For 20 years, concrete has been my world. Growing up in a tight-knit town of 2,000, I learned the trade by my dad's side, honing my skills and embracing a commitment to excellence. From that journey emerged Iron Clad Builders. We're not your run-of-the-mill concrete crew; we're about creating sturdy foundations and rock-solid structures. Whether it's house pads, patios, retaining walls, sidewalks, or curbs, we handle it all with precision. At Iron Clad Builders, we don't just pour concrete; we forge trust. Our mission is simple: delivering projects that stand strong, right on schedule. Let's build something great together. Welcome to Iron Clad Builders, where our work speaks volumes.

Our Team

A short introduction to your team members and why their background should inspire potential clients’ confidence.

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Trusted By

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